Thank you for visiting my website. I hope you will find it useful in your own struggle for justice. I can say from experience that fighting for your civil rights is difficult. It takes hard work, stamina, courage, resources, and a plan to win.
I truly believe that the power that resides within me resides within everyone. Find it, use it, and learn how to tap into your own strength.
Even if you are not famous or wealthy, and even if you do not have the best education, you still have the power to win change at home, at your workplace, in your school and in your community. Most of my clients are people with claims against large companies or government agencies, and they almost always feel powerless when they come to see me. I feel for them. The Philadelphia row house that I grew up in is never that far from my thoughts or my heart.
I want you to recognize that you have options, that you have access to the justice system, and that you have more strength and courage within you to help you fight back and win than you have ever realized.
To those who suffer the daily indignity of discrimination and are treated as second-class citizens or as sexual objects, I say, “Enough!” Don’t tolerate it for a single day or even a single minute.
To those women out there who are suffering from sexual harassment on the job, I say, “Don’t put up with it!”
To victims of domestic violence, I say, think of yourself as strong, not weak. Remember the words of Eleanor Roosevelt, “Women are like tea bags — they never know how strong they are until they get into hot water.”
I am a lawyer, but you don’t have to be one to win change. Rosa Parks refused to sit in the back of the bus. Susan B. Anthony was arrested for trying to vote. In my book, ” Fight Back and Win: My Thirty-Year Fight Against Injustice — and How You Can Win Your Own Battles, “ I share the stories of many people just like you who were once victims, but became survivors, and then fighters, and ultimately won change. I have been proud to represent these tremendously courageous people who stepped into the public arena to fight for the issues in which they believe. Many of them have won battles that they never imagined they could win.
Remember that the denial of civil rights is not a small thing. The Holocaust began when the Jewish people in Germany initially were deprived of their civil liberties. It escalated into them being deprived of their lives. We must take a stand wherever and whenever someone is denied a basic civil right.
As I say in the conclusion of my book: “More than anything, in the face of adversity and injustice, I want you to overcome your fear and be fearless, find your voice and not be voiceless, exert your power and not be powerless. I want you to be able to fight back and win justice for yourself, your children, your family, and your community.”
Challenge yourself and challenge others to stand up for what is right. Speak up, fight back, and seek positive change. So begins the journey toward justice, and a great adventure.